Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy Belated Girl's Day!

This is a little overdue, but Thursday was Girl's Day (Hina Matsuri)! For those of you who aren't familiar with Girl's Day, it's a Japanese holiday on March 3rd and it's just to celebrate all the little girls in your life.  Traditionally, family members will give them dolls and treats.  We celebrate in Hawaii as well, and at our preschool we had so much fun decorating our classroom and spoiling our little girls.  We got to have lots and lots and lots of Mochi (my favorite) of all different flavors and three of our kids are half Japanese so their moms brought in all kinds of fun dishes for us! Here is some of the fun we had:
 How is it that EVERYTHING the Japanese make is so perfect and cute? I mean come on, this is puffed rice, but it's adorable.  I would be broke if I lived in Japan because I am definitely one of those people that gets suckered into buying things because of it's packaging.
 All the girls helped me to cut out flowers from paper and we just stapled bunches of purple mesh to the center then hung them all over the room.  They are supposed to be Peach Blossoms which are in bloom during Girl's Day in Japan. 
 Everyone put together Hina Matsuri Dolls and they did so great! (The three circles to the left of the doll says "Darya" in case that wasn't clear.  I tried to write her name on her picture and she very matter-of-factly told me that she already did! She's three.)
 This is the first "face" Harlee has drawn....I'm such a proud preschool teacher :)

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