Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pretty Workspace

I've been dreaming a lot lately about how nice it would be to be able to work from home.  Don't get me wrong...I am so thankful to God for the job that I have now.  However, it would be quite nice to wake up, have an non-rushed cup of coffee while scrolling through my blog roll, deciding what fascinating thing to write about that day. I could walk on the beach for a bit of real life inspiration, then update my blog, spend hours designing new jewelry, bring a lunch to my hardworking boyfriend, then head back to my "office" for some painting. 
 Maybe some day.... and if that day comes, 
I'll set up an inspiring, organized, and stylish workspace like one of these: 


Anne with an "e" said...

Reading these things makes me miss you, friend!


Pat said...

Please, please, please go with the Geninne D. Zlatkis! It's you.