Wednesday, May 18, 2011


I've never considered myself a runner.  However, right before Christmas, I put myself on a plan in which I would be able to run five miles comfortably.  I did it!'s May and I'm not running anymore.  As I'm paddling more and getting stronger, I've decided to get back to it and go running on the days I don't have practice! Here's a little inspiration to get me moving.  Hopefully some day I'll be able to call myself a "runner".


Chris said...

You inspired my to go running today! Thanks.

Pat said...

Not running, but I'll sure take the hikes to Catamount & Rampart Reservoirs ... if the end result is a fish on the end of the line (and enjoying the wild beauty of the Rockies)!!

Kimberlee said...

KEZ!! U run!? OMYGOSH!! inspiring me to try to keep at it..i keep getting all pumped up to exercise and run a lot and stuff always happens and i dont! LOL! but yay for us that want to one day be "runners!"